
Virgo and Her

A new chic fashion website selling the latest fashion to women.

This job came from the owner of the online shop Eleven Eight. It was to be a new site selling the same products (women's clothing) but this time it was to use Shopify.

Compared to working with Neto, Shopify is much easier to work with. The back end is simpler as there is no provision for working from multiple warehouses like what Neto provides for (your business would need to be big to need that).

As for Neto, Shopify has a monthly fee but this includes hosting and the payment gateway.

The free templates are very basic and I think most shop owners will find it's better to buy one of the more attractive themes available.

It's good to see the owner keeping the site fresh by updating the front page regularly.


The online store Virgo and Her has been closed since at least from September 2017.

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