Tag: WordPress


How to Set up Oxygen Builder

Best Global Settings (Automatically Responsive!), a set-up that uses the "clamp" CSS function to calculate the best font sizes for the viewport width.

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Eltham Mudbrick Tour

The Eltham Mudbrick Tour, which ran for many years by Panton Hill Preschool and then Eltham High School, in 2023 ceased running due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. This is my involvement with the tour, and hoping that it someday returns.

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Auswide Safe Access

A website based on one built originally on Weebly. A new owner had taken over and wanted the website moved to WordPress.

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Blocking WordPress Auto Update Emails

With the release of WordPress version 5 comes the option to automatically update plugins. A great idea but the emails you get are annoying. Learn how to turn them off.

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Archer Trading

After more than ten years online competition and tightening margins have caught up with Archer Trading.

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Eltham Web Design

A new website to try out building a WordPress template based on the popular Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework.

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