
Website Changes


There have been some changes, the family website is now at eatonfamily.au. And the Gallery 3 and Koken galleries have now gone.

Introducing eatonfamily.au

It seems that “.website” domains are expensive! I got one for “eaton family” with iPage. Since I won’t be renewing when it comes up I now have:

eatonfamily.auMain family website.
gallery.eatonfamily.auGallery 3 site. Now offline, but it goes to an article about Gallery 3's demise and renewal.
photos.eatonfamily.auKoken photos site. Now offline, but it goes to an article about Koken's death.

Since getting eatonfamily.au the domain glenneaton.com will be used for hosting my portfolio. The subdomain folio.glenneaton.com still works and redirects to the same site and content as before.

Gallery Changes

The Koken and Gallery 3 websites have been decommissioned. Both were getting too hard to maintain and using a lot of server space.

I also have a Flickr account with lots of images, and it's a great place to safeguard your photos from loss.

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