Learning to live the good and the bad with Windows Live Photo Gallery.
It might be worth a try to rename the Live Photo Gallery database file.
The "Pictures.pd4, .pd5, or .pd6" (depending on your Photo Gallery version) database includes
thumbs and metadata and is found at the following location:C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Photo Gallery\Pictures.pd4, .pd5, or .pd6
The file can also be found with an Advanced Search for pd4, pd5, or pd6.
Go to…Start / Search / Advanced Search.
Check the box…"Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files" Enter pd4, pd5, pd6 in the
Name field
Renaming the .pd4 .pd5, or pd6 file should clean up your Photo Gallery.
Try right-click to rename it to Pictures.OLD. If you are unhappy with the results, you can
delete the new file and rename the OLD file back to Pictures.pd4, .pd5, or .pd6.
Photo Gallery will revert to what it was the first time you opened it. The gallery will have to re-
populate and you may lose some tags.
(From https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-do-i-purge-the-windows-live-photo-gallery/d2d6c5a7-2733-4b51-9a14-19eb873ed11e, viewed 22-July-2022)
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