
ACDsee Photo Editor and Manager

My experiences of using ACDsee Photo Editor and Manager.

Panes or Display Gets Corrupted

Sometimes when starting the panes or workspace gets corrupted, or more commonly the "Filter Menu" (the one with all the commonly used tools like crop etc.) in the photo editor, is lost.

From the 2019 release and onwards there's now an option, View/Reset Layout, which will restore the workspace or panes to the factory default. The editor has its own View/Reset Layout, which only restores the editor.

Map Pane Shows a Blank Screen

Google has had some intermittent issues with their Maps service in the last couple of months. It is possible that the internal browser has cached the Google Maps widget while it was in a bad state or something similar.

You could try clearing the WebView2 browser cache and see if that resolves the problem. With ACDsee closed, open a File Explorer window and navigate to your Temp directory, then find the ACDWebViewCache folder. The easiest way to get there is to type "%temp%\ACDWebViewCache" in the address bar, as in this screenshot:

Click image for larger version

Name:	explorer_path.png
Views:	745
Size:	11.5 KB
ID:	60729

Then delete the "ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2022" (or "ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2023") folder, and restart ACDSee. This might resolve the issue if it is related to some bad cached data.

Although, one time I tried this, it didn't work. Then it's time for a reboot, and if that fails, try the ACDsee online forum. Luckily for me, the reboot worked. If you are getting desperate, a reinstallation of the software might fix the issue.

The Map pane is working correctly for me in Ultimate 2023, build 2922.

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