
Framework Themes for WordPress

 A look at the available WordPress Framework Themes for WordPress.

I use frameworks a often to build WordPress sites. They are quick and easy to use, plus they make it easy to update or change the layout later on. My favourite one, Ultimatum Theme, keeps getting better but it's always good to see what else is around.

Framework Poll

 A recent poll by Go Barrel Roll got the following results.

FrameworkVotesCost (in US)Comments
Genesis by StudioPress2% $59.95 
Gantry by RocketTheme39%freeExcellent and popular framework that has versions for Joomla and WordPress.
Divi Builder by Elegant Themes9% $89 pa or
$249 once
For the subscription you also get access to many themes and plug-ins.
Thesis by DIYthemes0% $87 pa or
$197 once
Hybrid by Theme Hybrid0% freeA theme with many layout options. Hasn't been updated since 2013 so it may cause problems with the latest WordPress release.
Headway by Vesped5% $89 pa or $199 onceYearly subscription is limited to three websites.
Wonderflux by Jonny Allbut1%free 
Cherry by Crocoblock0%freeAlso known as Cherry Frameworks, I'm surprised that it's not more popular, but I think it's harder to set up than the others.
Themify Builder by Themify1% from $39, free version available 
Tesla Framework by Tesla Themes0% from $58 pa. $189 onceYou also get access to many themes, like the offer from Elegant Themes.
Dynamik Website Builder by Cobalt Apps0% from $69 one site, $149 unlimited 
ZOOM Builder by WPZOOM0% $99A collection of themes and they have some page builders you can buy.
Ultimatum by Wonder Foundry42%US$60
My personal favourite, with many plug-ins like Revolution Slider and Visual Composer included it's great value.
Runway by Parallelus0% free 
Canvas by WooThemes0%from $99 one year supportEspecially built for Woo-commerce. It's more of a highly customisable theme than a framework. Probably the best choice if you are using Woo commerce.

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