
Unblocking Attachments in Outlook 2007

I recently upgraded to Office 2007, I had hung on to 2003 as I didn't like the new ribbon menu. But the old version was starting to cause problems, so a copy of 2007 that I already had was installed.

A problem occurred on a website that I needed a new JavaScript file to fix. When I received it I couldn't open it. For experienced computer users Microsoft's security goes too far. There should be an easy way accessible from the application to remove the blocking of attachments at least temporarily.

After a Googling there is a simple fix from http://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/blockedattachments.htm.

Run regedit.exe and create the following key in the registry:


In that key enter the file extensions you want exempt from restrictions. For example to allow JavaScript files I entered .js. If you need more place a semi colon between each one, .js;.zip;.hlp for example.

Outlook 2013 users don't need the leading period, and your settings are under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook\15.0\Security\ according to Inside Out Microsoft Outlook 2013 by Jim Boyce.

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