
Tool Time

This was a first semester introduction to the process of building a project. It also provided valuable experience in working as a team.A one page specification was provided and the main functions of the application were determined as follows:

  • Track tools that have been hired
  • Allow the adding, editing and deleting of customers, equipment and hires.
  • Invoice customers at the end of the transaction
  • Access to a help facility
  • Generate reports

This page contains the Application Screen shots and the documentation which assists users and support staff with the application.

Application Background

Tool Time uses an Access database to store the data. A front end, created with Visual Basic.NET provide the user interface. All business processes are done in the business tier of Tool Time.

The Team

Simon Jones, team leader
Glenn Eaton, administration
Adam Esposto, testing
Shawn Reece, testing
David Xalfa, standards
Cassie Martin, standards

Application Screen Shots

Opening Screen

The opening screen greets the user. The switch panel allows quick access to the most commonly used functions, they are creating hires and adding customers to the system.

A menu tree at the top provides easy access to manipulate all of the applications objects, they are tools, customers and hires.

The Find Tool form

Tools are added to the hire using this form.

Find Customer form

This form is used to find customers. It can be called from the find tools form above to add a customer to the hire

Edit Customer Form

As customer details change this form is used to keep the database up to date.

Tool Time Documents

User Manual (600kB)

This contains the instructions for use. It includes screen shots and step by step instructions on how to tasks within the system. It is aimed at the typical user.

Tool Time User Manual
Tool Time User Manual

Online Help System (292kB)

Accessed from the application the Online Help System provides the same help as the User Manual but in a format more suited to reading from the screen.

Tool Time Online Help System
Tool Time Online Help System

Technical Manual (452kB)

Tool Time Technical Manual
Tool Time Technical Manual

Being of interest to programmers and support staff, this document provides technical information to support maintenance and further enhancements for the application.

Presentation (4.9MB)

Tool Time Presentation Slides
Tool Time Presentation Slides

The project was presented to our peers. Each team member contributed to their own slides which were then assembled into one show.

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